Plant Protection
On the market you can find a rich assortment of organic substances that are harmless to humans, animals, plants and groundwater, yet effective in protecting or treating crops.
Organic plant protection products are not always effective
The most commonly used organic pesticides, are made from natural ingredients, such as herbs and weeds, or are prepared from ready-made biopreparations. Some may contain live predators or parasites of the pests being controlled. The best examples are nematode bacteria or larvae of certain beneficial insects that develop in the body of the pest. Their action is effective provided they are used quickly enough, and their application is regular and prolonged. Unfortunately, if the protection of plants by natural means is carried out incompetently, and the disease or pest spreads strongly, it may be necessary to use synthetic substances or liquidate the entire crop.
Ecology is the future
Using the right plant protection measures, organic crops and healthy food are within reach. It is worthwhile to grow organic gardens using natural plant protection products. Extracts, decoctions, infusions, manures, which are most often prepared from nettles, dandelions, field horsetail, are applicable. If you want to buy the right plant protection products, the store is a good source for this. The biopreparations offered have high selectivity, do not have undesirable effects on plants, beneficial insects and bees, and do not require compliance with precautions and withdrawal periods. Natural plant protection products are priced comparably to synthetic substances. Even if they are sometimes more expensive, it is worth remembering their advantages.