Rockwool Cubes & Slabs
It is one of the popular substrates for cultivating vegetables under cover and plants in closed systems - it can be sold in several forms. The extensive range of mineral wool products includes mineral cubes, germination trays, mineral wool mats, and granules.
Mineral Wool Cubes
Ideal for germination, rooting, and cultivation of plants in hydro and aerosystems. They allow the root system to develop well, create optimal air conditions, and ensure ideal water distribution, transporting nutrient compounds. This product is designed for individual drip irrigation.
Mineral Wool Mats
Mineral wool for plants sold in mats maintains the optimal moisture level, facilitates air delivery to the root system, enables the circulation of nutrient compounds, and is most commonly used in large-scale cultivation.
Germination Trays
Facilitate germination and rooting of plants in a substrate with optimal water-air conditions and ideal circulation of nutrient compounds. This is an extremely practical solution and an alternative to individual pots.
Mineral Wool Granules
An ideal additive for loosening other substrates, allowing for maintaining high humidity. It is typically used in horticulture for demanding crops and challenging-to-grow plants.