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Saucers & Trays

These are products closely related to plant cultivation. All of them are made of high-quality plastic, often flexible, perfectly adapting to the surface in which they are used. They are resistant to mechanical and chemical damage, including fertilizers and organic acids. They can be easily stored and transported.

Cultivation trays solve the problem of excess water

Saucers and trays collect excess water from pots, protecting the root system of plants from rotting. Pots in trays can be easily moved and segregated. At the same time, each garden tray can be used in crops with underseepage watering, applied to plants sensitive to root flooding or at risk of damaging the still delicate germinating plants. A unique product are cultivation trays made of flexible material, which, despite their sizable size, can be easily folded and thus transported and stored.

The trays make cultivation easier

A garden saucer is a component integrated into the pot. Therefore, no one is surprised by the different sizes of saucers, their colors, shapes, and even retrofitting with legs or wheels to make it easier to move especially large plants.

When choosing trays and saucers, quality matters

These are reusable products. So it is worth focusing on their quality and not to choose the cheapest proposal that will not fulfill its purpose. Therefore, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with our offer. We have narrowed down the assortment to the most recommended models.

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