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Control & Measurement

Meters are user-friendly devices that reduce the need for complex temperature diagnosis, soil salinity and pH analysis, electrical conductivity, or the quantity of solid substances dissolved in water. These devices are typically battery-powered, easy to calibrate, reliable, and accurate in their measurements.

Meters are highly functional

Even in professional farms, they significantly reduce the need for visits to laboratories or inspections by specialized units. Meters typically allow multiple measurements, which greatly expand their range of applications. Switching between measurement parameters is done by pressing a button. These devices have an ergonomic, compact, and durable waterproof casing. Their calibration is extremely simple and based on clear messages on the display. Measurements are taken using a multifunctional, interchangeable probe, and the readings are practically instantaneous. Most probes have fiber connectors and gel electrolyte, allowing them to be used in challenging conditions, such as with fertilizers.

Every meter requires calibration solutions

These solutions are usually available for purchase when you buy the meter. Each of the solutions has the appropriate pH and is used for calibrating the device. It helps maintain measurement accuracy by returning the readings to the zero point value on the meter electrode. As a result, the meter can be used without issues in neutral solutions, acidic solutions, and even with acids, which won't affect the quality of future measurements.

Active filters
