Kraken by Mycoterra is a fertilizer made from a particular fungus, Glomus Iranicum var. Tenuihypharium, which has the ability to form mycorrhizae, making the roots of your plants grow intensely. It doesn’t just make it bigger, it also increases your plants water absorption capacity, meaning you can water more, which in turn means that you can use more fertilizer or other products.
When using Kraken, your plants' roots should grow by up to 70%, which directly affects the production rate, meaning you’ll get harvests up to 40% bigger. It also activates your plants defenses, minimizing the damages that nematodes or other phytopathogen microorganisms that live in the substrate might cause.
It’s 100% organic, guaranteeing a heavier and more potent harvest, while still keeping its pure taste. It’s apt for using with almost all types of crops, including wood trees and horticultural crops, although it can’t be used on Cyperaceae, Chenopodiacae or Cruciferacae.
All you have to do is add the required grams to your irrigation water. It can’t be mixed with any other sort of fertilizer due to the fact that there are microorganisms in it.
It can, however, be mixed with substrate, making for excellent results after each transplant, using 1 g of Kraken per liter of substrate. Also, it’s the only fungus that you can apply to your plants through an irrigation system that includes a tank because it’s entirely soluble in water, making it the only fungus capable of forming mycorrhizae as well as being soluble in water tanks. It can be added to Square Flower Pots In All Sizes.
How to Use Mycoterra
Do not mix with any other product, just dilute it in water.
Apply 10 g per plant on the 5th day after the first transplant, repeating this process once a month until the end of the harvest.
If you're mixing it with the substrate, you need to add 1 g per liter of substrate, and then when watering use just water.
For woody trees (olive trees, fruit trees, tropical trees etc) apply directly on the sprouts, 2 Kg/ha for young plantations and
For horticultural crops it's best to wait until 7 days after the first transplant, without going over the 3 kg/ha limit.
For strawberry crops, apply 3 kg/ha but you must wait 20 days after transplanting them.
Mycoterra Composition
Glomus iranicum var. tenuihypharum 1.2 x 10⁴
WP (Powder) |
Contains: | For Treatment: |
57g | 19 Plants |
114g | 38 Plants |
255g | 85 Plants |
2,27kg | 750 Plants |
Data sheet