Integra Boost Humidiccant used for curring, one package is enough for a maximum of 450g of dried food. Curring is a method for improving the flavor characteristics and quality of stored dried plants.
Integra Bo ost uses a patent-pending technology that releases or absorbs moisture, keeping the relative humidity in a closed environment around 62%.
Integra Boost Humidiccant used for curring, one package is enough for a maximum of 450g of dried food. Curring is a method for improving the flavor characteristics and quality of stored dried plants.
Integra Boost uses patent-pending technology that releases or absorbs moisture, keeping the relative humidity in a closed environment around 62%. Each individually packaged packet of Integra Boost contains an indicator card, when the round dot turns from pink to blue the sachet should be replaced.
1. insert the Integra Boost sachet into the container with the dried plants
2. place indicator paper in a visible place, inside the container
3. tightly close the container with the dried material
4. when the color of the indicator changes to blue, replace the Integra Boost sachet